Monday to Thursday from 9 to 17:30h Friday from 9h to 15h. C/Roger de Llúria 44,1-3, 08009 Barcelona +34932954665
Air transport types
13 AUG 2020

Air transport types

The air shipments can be classified as general cargo or dry, reefrigerated, dangerous goods or out of gauge.

How sea transport works?
07 JULY 2020

How sea transport works?

How sea transport works?
The sea shipments starts in shipper's premises where cargo will be picked up once is ready, booking confirmation on hand and appointment is done between trucking company and loading place.
Letter of credit:
31 MAR 2017

Letter of credit:

On March 20 we were present at the conference on documentary credit organized by Banco Sabadell in Barcelona
Opportunities at Iran:
23 MAR 2017

Opportunities at Iran:

Last March 10th we went to a conference at Foment del Treball Nacional at Barcelona
Noksel Spain
20 JULY 2015

Noksel Spain

World Ocean Cargo Ibérica since October 2014 have on his possession 218 tubes for building sector.
Personal effects
23 JAN 2013

Personal effects

Nowadays WOCI is handling some shipments with personal effects involved.